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11Wickets is a popular online fantasy cricket platform, where users can create their own virtual cricket teams and compete against each other. With the growing popularity of the platform, 11Wickets faced a major challenge of handling an increasing number of concurrent users and processing a large number of write operations for game stats and results. To address this challenge, 11Wickets approached Zediant for help in scaling their AWS architecture and optimizing their database performance.

Industry: Cloud Solutions

Challenges Faced

Scalability: - As the number of concurrent users on the platform increased, 11Wickets' existing infrastructure was unable to handle the load, leading to slow performance and downtime.

Database Performance: - With the large number of write operations for game stats and results, 11Wickets' MySQL database was becoming a bottleneck, causing slow performance and increased response times.


Zediant worked with 11Wickets to develop a scalable and highly performant solution that addressed the following:

Scalability: - Zediant helped 11Wickets to implement a horizontally scalable architecture on AWS, using EC2 instances, Auto Scaling, and Load Balancing. This solution ensured that the infrastructure could dynamically scale up or down based on the load, providing the necessary resources to handle an increasing number of concurrent users.

Database Performance: - To optimise the performance of the MySQL database, Zediant helped 11Wickets to implement a MySQL cluster. The cluster provided high availability and improved performance by distributing the write operations across multiple nodes, reducing the load on a single node and improving response times.


Scalability: - Zediant created an EC2 Auto Scaling group, which automatically added or removed instances based on the load. A Load Balancer was also implemented to distribute the incoming traffic across the available instances.

Database Performance: - Zediant set up a MySQL cluster with multiple nodes, using Galera Cluster for high availability and improved performance. The cluster was configured to automatically handle node failures, ensuring that the write operations continued even if one of the nodes failed.

The Result

The implementation of the scalable and performant solution by Zediant helped 11Wickets to overcome the challenges they were facing. The horizontally scalable architecture and the MySQL cluster ensured that 11Wickets could handle an increasing number of concurrent users and process a large number of write operations for game stats and results. The solution provided the following benefits:

Improved Performance: - The implementation of the MySQL cluster reduced the load on a single node and improved response times, resulting in a smoother and faster experience for the users.

Scalability: - The horizontally scalable architecture on AWS ensured that 11Wickets had the necessary resources to handle an increasing number of concurrent users, providing a stable and reliable experience for the users.

High Availability: - The MySQL cluster provided high availability, ensuring that the write operations continued even if one of the nodes failed, providing a more robust solution for 11Wickets.


Zediant helped 11Wickets to overcome their challenges by implementing a scalable and performant solution on AWS. The horizontally scalable architecture and the MySQL cluster ensured that 11Wickets could handle an increasing number of concurrent users and process a large number of write operations for game stats and results. The solution provided improved performance, scalability, and high availability, resulting in a smoother and faster experience for the users.

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