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Lubricant recommendation tool transforms data into information by matching OEM equipment specifications with the latest lubricant products from the world's leading oil companies. It provides a platform to the world's leading oil suppliers to recommend and help to sell the right lubricant products to end customers.

Industry: Lubricant Industry

Key Service: Lubricant recommendation by the lube manufacturers to help sell more lubricants.

Challenges Faced

Oil and lubricant manufacturers face unprecedented challenges with new specifications and many new engine tests. It is very important to make sure that quality of products is not compromised, which could lead to engine issues.

The lubricant manufacturers needed information on OEM's fluid specifications so they can recommend the correct lubricant for all types of machines where lubricating oils are being used.

Our Solutions

The lubricant recommendation tool has a powerful database that shares OEM's fluid specifications with the lube companies. The lube companies can recommend their products for a given fluid specification and the end users can see the recommended product for their machine(s).

The application has been built for the web, iOS, and android platforms. There are multiple options to search for the recommended product.

How does it work for the lube companies?


Access to the fluid specification

Lube companies get access to view the fluid specification and based on that, they recommend their lube product.



To maintain the accuracy, a highly experienced and knowledgeable team of technical analysts are there to help the lube companies.


Audit and Evaluation

Absence of information for the Parts Manager to audit the Rep process and evaluate the outcome.

How does it work for End Users?


Identifying the vehicle

End user's can search for their cars by the rego or search by equipment segment and then select the correct model.


Lube compartment

Once the model is selected then, the user can select the right compartment for which he is looking for the lube.


Recommended product by the lube company

Upon compartment selection, our application will show the recommended lube product of the lube company.

The Result

This product is being used by circa 23+ leading lube companies across ASPAC. Lubricant recommendation tools have given the platform to showcase their product and sell more products. At the same time, the end users get to know the recommended oil by the lube company for their beloved machines.

Let's get connected

We've passed the toughest security audit, proving our system is like Fort Knox for your data.