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Australia's biggest office supply brand was facing challenges with their e-commerce platform, particularly with their B2B and B2C customer segments and pricing structure. The platform was not able to support the brand's massive growth and improve user experience.

Industry: Ecommerce Retail Industry


The objective was to integrate Bigcommerce into the brand's e-commerce platform to improve the user experience, streamline pricing for B2B and B2C customers, and support their massive growth.


The following approach was taken to integrate Bigcommerce into the brand's e-commerce platform:

Customer Segmentation: - The brand's B2B and B2C customer segments were clearly defined, and a pricing structure was developed to meet the unique needs of each segment. The Bigcommerce platform was configured to accommodate these pricing structures.

User Experience: - A user-friendly design and navigation structure was implemented to improve the overall user experience. Customised themes and plugins were used to enhance the website's functionality and performance.

Scalability: - The Bigcommerce platform was selected for its scalability and ability to support the brand's massive growth. The platform was configured to handle high traffic and large volumes of sales, ensuring that the brand's growth would not be limited by its e-commerce platform.

Integration: - The brand's existing systems, such as inventory management and shipping, were integrated with Bigcommerce to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

The Result

The integration of Bigcommerce into the brand's e-commerce platform resulted in significant improvements. The user experience was greatly improved, and the pricing structure for B2B and B2C customers was streamlined. The brand's massive growth was also supported, as the Bigcommerce platform was able to handle high traffic and large volumes of sales.


Integrating Bigcommerce into Australia's biggest office supply brand's e-commerce platform proved to be a smart decision, as it improved the user experience, streamlined pricing, and supported their massive growth. This case study highlights the importance of selecting the right e-commerce platform to meet the unique needs of a business, and the benefits of integrating with existing systems to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

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